Testimonials for Sebastian Ang

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Maya Angelou

Below are some testimonials recommending counselling with Sebastian Ang.

If you would like to explore therapy with me and have a free consultation, please visit the Contact page.

“He (Sebastian) was able to point out to me my strengths which I did not appreciate.”

- W.G.

“I like his (Sebastian) creativity.  I love a certain band and Sebastian suggested that I should find a theme song from the band to encourage me when I feel down.  That’s awesome.  I do that now.” 

- L.G.

“Sebastian has a habit of asking ‘what’s better since our last session?’ It was hard to answer this question at first.  Then, I started to look out for things that were better.  The more I look, the more I find.  Yes things are getting better”

- N.K.